Coming home (podcast day)

Gnome with wings and a sign that says psychic readings and the crystal ball tells all.

“Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.”
― Rumi

On April 1st, when Mercury started its retrograde dance, I decided to dive into the waters of my conscious self. The goal was to work with the parts of myself that don’t get the attention they need. Back before it was all the rage on the socials, this is what was known as shadow work. No fancy journals, not shadow work coaches – just you, your brain, and time with the stories of your life.

For this, I pulled out collage artwork that had the Major Arcana as the focal point, and begin the journey on a day that celebrates The Fool. Having studied this kind of thing, this was going to be my own Hero’s Journey, a way for me to explore my own myth story. Or, maybe, my anti-hero story – today’s card is The Moon, and I can tell you that it absolutely gave some emotional and intuitive light to the path in front of me. It also inspired the theme of this week’s podcast, “NDEs, comparison, and the thieves of joy.

Mosaic mandala.

With that, I’m off to work on some projects. Enjoy this week’s podcast!

Much love,

Take the long way home…

Photo of a sleeping black and white cat surrounded by pillows and blankets.

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow A thousand times Come, yet again, come, come.”


First, here’s this week’s podcast. It will be available via streaming services soon.

A topic that I’ve touched on before is that things will take as long as they will take. It is something that I’ve applied to my life many times. It’s sort of like the gardener’s mantra of: “There is always next year.”

When I made the full decision to come back to the place of personal comfort, that home in my soul, it was not an easy journey. It was important for me to push my comfort zone, applying all the things I had learned along the way. Honestly, I think that maybe some part of me was still seeking – still trying to piece together the puzzle of my life. My hope was that somewhere along the way I would be given all the answers. However, and with deep gratitude for the way it played out, that didn’t happen.

Instead I rambled, made declarations, wave my hands, and walked in circles. It was the most holy and transformative thing I could do at the time. The tools that I had were more than enough, but somehow they weighed me down. Every placement of my foot, or swing of my hand, there was a loud clanging of all these things I thought were needed. Placing them in a safe space, and making sure that those around me knew it was time for me to travel to new spaces, my Fool’s adventure began.

There is so much to share, and many things that still leave me in awe. What I learned, most of all, is that all the things I was looking for were right in front of me. As trite and over used as it is, sometimes the very thing we are seeking is already here seeking us.

Here I stand today with no declarations. You’ll not see any words of, “Now this is how it’s going to work.” I’m just a human person on the road, doing my best to be the best, and trying to maintain my authentic self. What I will share is this: your career and life path can walk side by side, but you can also let them walk alone. Or, as the cool kids say, you don’t have to make your hobby your hustle.

Sending each and every one of you so much joy, beauty, and support. May all manner of things be well.

With gratitude,

Are you being that?

Red cap mushroom with white spots. Digital art by Kim Upton 2024

“Art is not just about perfection. It is about the raw and authentic expression of one’s innermost feelings.”

Maria Callas

If you ask Mr. The Mister, he will tell you that it’s not often that my brain fails to find words for things experienced in life. In fact, he might tell you that when I get started, it can be difficult for me to slow down.

After some rather obvious coincidences, a morning of deep meditation, and some choice messages from the Oracle of Algorithms, it has become obvious that my years long walk in the desert, searching for the “one thing” that would answer all my questions…was with me all along. While scrolling the never-ending feed of information on Instagram, a pithy meme-thing popped up that said, “There’s only this. Who do you want to be, and are you being that?”

Say what? Uh, cheeky little words put together to instill deep thought – what do you mean? That seems important, I think, so I write it down on a notepad. As we do these days, I continued to scroll through my feed.

The next thing that comes up is another group of words put together to foster inspiration and deep thought – “Someone is looking for your art. Keep creating it until they find you.”

At this point it was clear that Alan Funt was somewhere near, waiting for me to realize I was on Candid Camera. Could this be some kind of coincidence? Had the algorithm become a wise elder in the wires? Maybe it was time to ponder things that had been shelved for many years.

Sometimes you have to take the trip, fall down, get lost, forget everything you’ve known…so you can come back to your self. This being human is a guest house…and we are always its owner.

This week’s podcast has more details, and can be enjoyed without staring at a screen.
Are you being that?

Much love,

Eff The Niche…

lawn goose with a yard sign in a nature scene with a purple decorative flower.

“But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.”

Albert Camus

Before reading on, you might want to listen to this song, as it’s one of my faves.
On and On by Erykah Badu

This week I’ve been pondering the incessant messages we get via, well, everything these days — especially how we have to be some type of way to be considered a valid member of the human race.. Pick a side. Carry this cup. Live in this neighborhood. You must proudly display who you are at all times – never sway from that.

But that’s just so weird to me. Nature, of which we are a part, would never grow, bloom, or survive if everything was just one flower or tree. We are diverse organisms, beautifully constructed out the very things that make the stars shine at night.

To hear more about my thoughts on this, with a somewhat hilarious interruption from one of the house cats (who might really need their own show), you can listen to this week’s podcast.
Eff The Niche

Lawn goose wearing a cape and bonnet at the end of wooden stairs.

Meet Gladys Kravitz. She’s a lawn goose who keeps watch over all the things that happen on our wee spot of land. She’s also the mascot for Mom’s Strange Magic (podcast and such). I’m sure you’ll see more of her over the days/weeks/months.

With that I’m off to get some work done, then out to enjoy the sunshine.

Much love,

Growth is not always linear

Digital drawn gnome with braids wearing a rainbow mandala shirt and a purple hair.

We were sent into the world to live to the full everything that awakens within us and everything that comes towards us. Real divinity has a passionate instinct for creativity and the fully inhabited life–the greatest sin of all is the unlived life.

John O’Donohue

The past few weeks have been full of edits, artwork, and finding peace in the path ahead. While looking through old writing, this poem that I wrote in 2002 seemed like a good one to post again in 2024.

On being a writer
If you
at night,
the dreams come.

Every book
idea I have
to me
right when I’m getting
asleep. So tired
that I cannot
fathom reaching
to grab my

I drift off

8-2002 (written)
© Kim Upton 2002-2024

logo for Mom's Strange Magic that is a woman sitting with a cat and drying herbs while she is writing in a journal.

Today’s post on Patreon has a short meditation for your Monday. You can also access the video on YouTube.

Sending all kinds of good energies your way.

Much love,

Take a Leap

Rainbow mandala on black background.

“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.”

Eckhart Tolle

Happy almost Full Moon – well, it’s considered full, but it’s got just a little bit more to be brimming with lunar goodness. There’s also a Penumbral eclipse going on, too. Lots of opportunity to shine that light and let all be revealed.

All the website edits are complete, and I’ve got my Patreon page up and running. Social media sites are clicking right along as well.

While my presence here has been consistently inconsistent, I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to get everything where it should be. This has involved a lot of trial and error, as it has been a few years since I’ve worked on websites. Thank you for rolling along while I learn.

This week’s podcast can be found here.

Much love and big hugs,

Story time

Colorful image of a person withing a large universe.

Story time…
An ode to experiencing what one might call a “signier sign.” (hat tip to a conversation this weekend with a friend of mine)

Doing the work to be a better human – happier with oneself and being okay with the world at large – is not contingent on what others think of you. This is an important thing to share with y’all, because many of us were taught that feeling better in who we are meant pleasing all the people around us. That, dear souls, is not correct, and anyone that shills that swill to you should be ashamed of themselves. Like, that’s a huge red flag.

This type of mentality gets heavily pushed in the Cult Of Finding Your Niche. Humans are multi-faceted, multitudinous in our ability to exist on what is truly a mote of dust in the expansive and infinite Universe. Like, ponder that for just a moment… You are literally a whole bio-diverse Universe dancing on a round ball in an ever changing cosmic web of life. Who needs to stare at the wall when one can ponder the sheer miracle of existence.

Your healing and wellness doesn’t need explanation. Take off for a spell, put your phone on silent, stay home, or whatever you need to feel better in your body, mind, spirit. Make declarations on social media, then back track-embracing your inner wishy washy flakey nature. Wanna post about your lunch – go ahead – it’s your life. What others think of you is none of your business. Not being snarky or trite, but rather cheerleading your life journey from my little spot in the world. Life is too short to give time to people who aren’t paying your bills.

It is a struggle to human right now. We are for real in a wild new world of constant stress and fatigue where media wants us to point fingers at each other. I’ve yet to meet a perfect person with all the answers. There’s that whole folks without sins casting stones in glass houses thing.

In conclusion, and in digression, I say this to all y’all…

We are all connected. Full stop. You love science, well then you know that we are all part of a vast Universe connected by things seen and unseen. Maybe you want to take a more spiritual approach to honor your faith system – well guess what? That whole connected thing is in your holy book as well.
The most important thing to share with you in this ramble is this:
You are loved, and so are they. Most importantly, I love and see you. When I send good energy and virtual hugs your way, I mean it. The person you are is beautiful, special, and full of amazing things. Keep shining your light!

My crow friends have been patient with me, as they’ve been asking for peanuts for the past 10 minutes.

Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk…and please pardon any typos. My internal editor is playing in the sunshine today.

This week I’ll be working on my website and socials, as well as adding some fun and new things that will be absolutely delightful to me. It is my hope that you will enjoy them as well.

Much love and keep shining,

Meandering into podcast day!

stack of used books sitting on a countertop.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

Joseph Campbell

Hello dear readers!

It’s been a busy few weeks, and you know that thing about telling the Universe your plans – that it’s a real thing. Best to layout some groundwork, gather your tools, and quietly git’er’done. Probably a good idea to not share it on social media platforms until it’s done. But here I am – rocking it.

In this week’s podcast I decided to just do a storytime from the heart, with only a few wanderings into my professional voice. It’s about walking your own path, in your own way, without losing your integrity. Well that and how we all get FOMO from time to time.

This image with this post is a story in its own right. Today was a good used book day. Sadly I wasn’t able to see all the books at the thrift store, but I spotted a few good ones immediately. If you enjoy books in the same genres as those above, and are pondering donating them…get ahold of me first. Currently I am working on my little free esoteric library, and would love to put them in the rotating collection.

That’s about all I got for this post. It’s a little late for me, and I’ve got cats pointing to the empty circle in the food bowls. May all manner of things be well for you and yours.

Much love,

Today’s podcast
Facebook Page

Podcast Day(s) and ramblings

Image is of a a black and white cat laying on a blue couch.

“So much depends not on how awkward destiny is, but rather on how openly it is embraced.”

John O’Donohue

“But someday the weight of the world
Will give you the strength to go”
– from “Robot Boy,” by Linkin Park

As mentioned in my last post, I’m fully back in the office. Little did I know that once my wee feeties stepped back toward my desk there would be a great amount of stuff that built up during my sabbatical. While a younger version of me would have happily burned the midnight oil to do all the things, wisdom and age remind me that my work involves being present for those that need someone to walk alongside them. While a business manager, or some such, might tell me that I need to prioritize my “stats” online to give “credibility” to my business — that’s just nonsense to me. And honestly, I think others feel the same.

Thankfully everything is caught up, and I’m back to my regular schedule. It feels great to be back in the saddle, as the cool kids say – although it might be something way different than what I think it does. I’ll say less…

Links to direct listens of the recent podcasts:
Jan. 18 – “It takes as long as it takes
Jan. 25 – “Uncertainty and Old Turtle

Lots of love and support to all y’all,

Back in the office/podcast day

Woodland scene with a brightly lit sky and a green man bird bath.

”You have polished the mirror
that now you shine within.

Any direction I look
I see your engraving.

The sun asks the inward sun,
When will I see you? At sunset.

excerpt from Rumi’s poem, “Limb-Shadows”

Happy New Moon!

On January 19th I’ll be back in the office. It was a nice bit of time off, but I’m ready to get back to it. I’m excited to share some of my contemplative insights with all y’all!

Here’s today’s podcast. The topic is grief, and I share some of the ways that help me get through times when life brings sadness my way.

Much love,